Day 12:
Last night I slept for a solid 8.5 hours.
-Protein oats with peanut butter, banana, blueberries, and granola
Then I tried another 15 minute yoga video since I was pretty sore:
This didn’t target my legs as much as I was hoping so I spent 15 minutes after stretching my legs. Then I headed to school, where I was faced with a little obstacle. Since the school locks up the weight room like Fort Knox, I was unable to get into the gym when I arrived, which threw a wrench in my workout plan. I stretched and rolled out for 30 minutes and then I had to start on the turf strip with a couple of exercises that weren’t even supposed to be included in my workout today. Once I was able to get into the gym however, I had a good lift.
Exercises done today:
-Goblet pause squats
-Walking lunges
-Hamstring curls
-Single leg press
Part of the reason I was so frustrated by not being able to get in is that since my day today was based solely on deadlift, I like to start with deadlift so that I’m not fatigued for it and can increase my volume. I wasn’t able to start with it today so it was a little more difficult to push through all my sets but I did it and had a great workout. At the end, I had burned 309 active calories and 397 total calories.
-Turkey and cheese sandwich
-3 cookies and cream cupcakes (not the smartest nutritional choice but they were really good)
I spent the afternoon in the car so it wasn’t a super active day other than my lift in the morning. I did not have an afternoon snack, which was not ideal.
-Firecracker cauliflower
-BBQ chicken salad
Dessert: dairy queen blizzard
At night I watched “Born Strong”, a 90 minute documentary that follows 4 strongmen that go to compete at the Arnold Strongman Classic.
Night snack:
-Protein bar
Today was another really solid day making more progress on my project. I had a really good workout, the kind of leg day where you genuinely think you might puke but you feel great after. I was recovering well between sets and my average heart rate was the highest out of any workout on the project. I naturally have a really low resting rate, usually around 50 bpm, so seeing it at 110 (significantly higher than usual) was kind of rewarding to me and goes to show I was definitely putting the work in. My water was on point today, right around a gallon, but my nutrition definitely could have been better. I didn’t eat as much protein as usual and I always like to prioritize eating between lunch and dinner. I have a massive sweet tooth so I always need something sweet but not having an afternoon snack tanked my overall daily protein intake. I only got about 5,000 steps, since I spent 4+ hours in the car, but I’m okay with that. I ended the day with a calorie burn of 1,937 and a caloric intake of right around 3,000. I spent 15 minutes using the theragun before bed.
Today’s hours: 4.5
Total project hours: 51.5
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